
Professional production supplier of
ultra-high purity hydrogen peroxide

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Nature and safety of H2O2

Hydrogen peroxide characteristics

Chemical name: Hydrogen Peroxide

Category of hazardous chemicals: Category 5.1 oxidant, corrosive, strong irritation.

Physical and chemical properties of hydrogen peroxide

Appearance and properties: colorless transparent liquid, slightly irritating.

Melting point/freezing point: -33℃ (-0.43℃)

Boiling point: 108℃ (150.2℃)

Density: 1.11g/cm3

PH: 1-4

Solubility: soluble in water, ethanol, ether, insoluble in benzene

Stability: stable under normal conditions.

Flammability: combustible

Forbidden compounds: metals and metal oxides; Alkali; Reducing agent; Dust (accelerates its own exothermic decomposition); Combustibles, organics (explosive hazards), acetone (forms an explosive mixture);

Dangerous reaction: heat, or decomposition reaction with alkali, reducing agent, organic matter;

Hazardous decomposition products: water and oxygen;

The stability of hydrogen peroxide

Instability is an important characteristic of hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes spontaneously to form water and oxygen:

2 H2O2  → 2H2O+ O2↑+ 46.94 kcal

The main factors affecting the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide are: temperature, light, pH, metal ions, etc.


H2O2 is stable under low temperature, high purity and normal conditions. When pure H2O2 is heated to 153℃ or higher, violent explosive decomposition occurs. The decomposition reaction is stable and slow at low temperature.


Light with wavelength 3200-3800 A can accelerate the decomposition rate of H2O2.


The pH of medium has great influence on the stability of H2O2. Under acidic condition, H2O2 is stable and its decomposition rate is slow. In alkaline medium is very unstable, decomposition speed is fast. In alkaline solution, H2O2 has strong oxidizing ability. Thus, excessive H2O2 can be completely destroyed by heating an alkaline solution.

4.Metal ion

Many metal ions can be used as catalysts for decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, which is an important factor affecting the stability of H2O2. Such as Fe2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Cr3+, etc., can accelerate the decomposition of H2O2. Industrial grade H2O2 contains more metal ion impurities, so a large number of stabilizers must be added to inhibit the catalytic effect of impurities through reduction and complexation.

Safety of Hydrogen peroxide


No concentration of H2O2 is combustible, but it is a strong oxidant and has combustion-supporting properties. When H2O2 concentration is high, it tends to cause other combustible substances to burn. The process of H2O2 combustion is the combination of decomposition and oxidation. The higher the concentration of H2O2, the easier combustion is to begin. When the spilled H2O2 comes into contact with combustible substances, it should be washed immediately with plenty of water.


H2O2 can be decomposed in the presence of catalytic impurities, giving off oxygen and heat. The higher the temperature and concentration of H2O2, the faster the decomposition rate. Therefore, once the reaction is induced, the decomposition accelerates with the release of heat, which further increases the temperature of the material and produces more gas (oxygen and vapor), which expands with the increase of temperature. If the container is closed, high pressure will be generated, leading to the explosion of the container. Therefore, equipment storing H2O2 should have dust-proof vents to safely release the gas that may be produced.


H2O2 is generally non-toxic. When H2O2 contaminates the human body or spills into the eyes, it can irritate the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. When the concentration is low, it has bleaching effect and burning sensation. When the concentration is high, can make the epidermis bubble, can cause serious damage to the eyes; Inhalation of steam into the lungs is irritating and can lead to organ damage in severe cases.

Storage and transportation


H2O2 should be stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse, away from direct sunlight; Under the conditions of storage and transportation, the concentration of this product shall not exceed 3% of the original concentration within one year.

It is strictly prohibited to mix with alkali, metal and metal compounds, reducing agents, organic matter, combustibles and inflammables.

Recommended packaging materials: stainless steel, plastic, glass, prohibited packaging materials: metal materials such as iron; Containers should be capped and vented to maintain the purity of H2O2 in the container and prevent contamination.

Wear protective equipment with acid and alkali resistance during operation, and set up eye flusher on site; Emergency collection equipment shall be set up at the production site; Do not enclose the product in pipes and containers, and ensure that there is a suitable breathing outlet on the container; If the container is broken or leaking, wash with plenty of water.


This product is transported according to oxidant transport rules to prevent violent vibration and shaking, to prevent container leakage and damage.

It is strictly prohibited to mix with alkali, reducing agent, organic matter, inflammable substance, spontaneous combustion articles, wet flammable articles and so on.

Do not touch with hands. Wear plastic gloves.

In case of accidental contact or package leakage, rinse with plenty of water.

Protective first aid and accident fire protection

Protection and first aid

Skin contact: Wear long sleeved work clothing and rubber shoes, and wear a work cap and mask. Rinse immediately with plenty of water in case of skin contact; In case of extensive burns, be hospitalized.

Eye contact: Safety glasses or goggles should be worn. If glasses contact, lift eyelids with a lot of water rinse; See an eye doctor immediately.

Respiratory system: Generally, no special protection is required. Protective glasses or self-priming filter gas mask are recommended. If inhaled, remove to fresh air, administer oxygen or artificial respiration if necessary, maintain medical monitoring, and in case of problems, immediately hospitalize.

Accidental ingestion: do not induce vomiting. If the person is conscious, wash the mouth and lips with plenty of water and send them to the hospital immediately.

Accident and fire protection

Danger: heat decomposition will release oxygen, aggravate the scene of the fire; There is a danger of overpressure explosion when the vessel is heated.

Extinguishing agent: water, dry powder, sand. Firefighters should wear protective clothing, in the upwind, at a certain safe distance; Use water jets to cool stationary containers or tanks.

Accident disposal: When leakage occurs, dilute it with plenty of water. Before removing the material, dilute it with clean water, add ferrous sulfate for decomposition, and then discharge it according to regulations after standard treatment by sewage treatment system.

Add: No. 858, Longdu Street, Longgang Industrial Park, Lin’An District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Tel: +86-571-6396 3488,6373 5088

Add: No. 858, Longdu Street, Longgang Industrial Park, Lin’An District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Tel: +86-571-6396 3488,6373 5088
